Digitalist Sweden has many remote workers abroad. Meet Jose Jiménez Carrión working from Spain!
Our enthusiastic drupalistas are gathered daily at the office this week to for Drupalcon 2021.
The key takeaways from day 2 and 3 of Drupalcon 2021.
GDPR-compliant web analytics, on Swedish, ISO-certified hosting powered by green energy.
Our Matomo Software as a Service (SaaS) solution, combined with our superior Kubernetes platform, provides an all-in-one solution.
We have helped over 40 organizations with Matomo since 2018 and one of the things that customers struggle with is the lack of competence from hosting organisations.
Yes you can, but you really shouldn't and here is why.
Varmt välkommen på en hel dags introduktionsutbildning i webbanalysverktyget Matomo, ett allt mer populärt alternativ till Google Analytics i såväl privat som offentlig sektor.
Presentera filsökvägar till GraphQL med hjälp av Data Resolvers och Field Resolvers.
Användbara kommandon för att hantera användare med Drush
Skapa, redigera och deploya drupal installationer med DDEV.
Digitalist deltar som vanligt i Drupalcon, världens största Drupalkonferens